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Your Need-To-Know About Unclaimed Money

There may be money that is yours but you do not know about it. Or, you may have qualified for funds but they never reached you. In these cases, you have unclaimed money that needs to be claimed. Unclaimed money comes in a v...

Hidden Money: How the Government Holds Your Unclaimed Assets

Did you know state governments are holding billions of dollars in unclaimed money and property that may belong to you? Surprisingly, it's not just forgotten bank accounts and uncashed checks. Unclaimed p...

North Carolina's Unclaimed $1.3 Billion: How to Claim Your Share

North Carolina residents and individuals with ties to the state might have a pleasant surprise waiting for them. The state has nearly $1.3 billion in unclaimed money. This article outlines what unclaimed prop...

Unclaimed Lottery Winnings: Your Overlooked Fortune

Every year, millions of dollars in lottery winnings go unclaimed, leaving potential millionaires unaware of their newfound wealth. California Lottery officials have revealed that, on average, almost $50 million remains u...

​​​​​​​How to Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies: A Comprehensive Guide

Every year, millions of dollars in life insurance goes unclaimed. Beneficiaries often struggle to locate policies or are unaware of their involvement altogether. The problem of ...

Don't Let Your Money Slip Away: Unclaimed Funds and Savings Bonds in South Carolina

Have you ever wondered how a state managed to lose track of $1.8 billion? That was a headline that recently caught everyone's attention in South Carolina. Although the money wasn...

San Diego County Taxpayers: Over $800K in Unclaimed Funds Waiting—Are You on the List?

Did you know that over $800,000 in unclaimed money is waiting for San Diego County taxpayers? These funds are owed to individuals who may not even know their entitlement. If you liv...

$88 Million Up for Grabs in Arizona: Find Out if You Have Unclaimed Cash

Arizona has been busy returning unclaimed money to its residents, with $88 million distributed to rightful owners this year alone. But the big question is: Could some of that money be yours? Read:&...

Americans Leave Millions at Airport Security Checkpoints: The Hidden Treasure of Unclaimed Cash

Every year, travelers inadvertently leave behind millions of dollars in loose change at airport security checkpoints across the United States. In 2023 alone, the Transportation ...