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Apple and T-Mobile Face New Class-Action Lawsuit over Security Breaches
Apple has been making updates to its iOS system to address privacy concerns. Some of its previous software versions may have had breaks where third parties can access data. That is the concern for a new...
Did You Claim Unemployment in Nevada? You Could Be Entitled to Compensation
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the United States saw record unemployment rates. With most states besides South Dakota still seeing unemployment rates higher than they'd seen since the last re...
How Covid-19 Has Affected Business Law in 2021
The covid-19 pandemic is still presenting challenges in our daily lives. Important issues in business and corporate law are also feeling the effect of the global pandemic in 2021. The pandemic has effectively disrupted busine...
Places You Can Easily Find Unclaimed Funds
Unclaimed funds refer to the money the government holds onto before locating the original owner. There are many places where you can find unclaimed funds. Some places are more obvious than others, and some are more likely to have...
Unlocking Hidden Wealth: Discovering Unclaimed Property
Do you have money or assets waiting to be claimed? You may be pleasantly surprised to learn that you could be one of the millions of people across the United States who have unclaimed property...
Top Trending Ways to Make a Claim on Unclaimed Assets Free of Charge
There's one major factor that holds back many people from claiming assets that are rightfully theirs: the fear that they will be denied the claim or be charged significantly for it. If you asked the av...
High-Flying Zoom Faces Class-Action from Consumers for Data Sharing
Zoom has been one of the companies that have dominated headlines during the COVID-19 crisis is the virtual meeting company Zoom. Entire companies and educational organizations are operating by conducting ...
Impacted By COVID-19? These Grants Could Help Making It Through The Crisis
It's no secret that COVID-19 has affected almost every American one way or another. Even if nobody in your own family has been directly infected by the deadly virus, chances are at least one ...
Business Interruption Lawsuits May Consolidate into a Series of Mini-MDLs
The business interruption insurance lawsuits brought in the wake of COVID-19 promise to keep the federal court system busy for years. There will likely be thousands of complex cases with high-stakes...